Vocabulary : Organized to Organographic

Organized : of Organize
Organizer : One who organizes.
Organizing : of Organize
Organling : A large kind of sea fish; the orgeis.
Organo- : A combining form denoting relation to, or connection with, an organ or organs.
Organogen : A name given to any one of the four elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which are especially characteristic ingredients of organic compounds; also, by extension, to other elements sometimes found in the same connection; as sulphur, phosphorus, etc.
Organogenesis : The origin and development of organs in animals and plants. ;; The germ history of the organs and systems of organs, -- a branch of morphogeny.
Organogenic : Of or pertaining to organogenesis.
Organogeny : Organogenesis.
Organographic : Alt. of Organographical
Next : Organographical, Organographist, Organography, Organoleptic, Organological, Organology, Organometallic, Organon, Organonymy, Organophyly
Previous : Organicism, Organific, Organism, Organist, Organista, Organity, Organizability, Organizable, Organization, Organize
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