Vocabulary : Ossicula to Ossify

Ossicula : of Ossiculum
Ossiculated : Having small bones.
Ossiculum : Same as Ossicle.
Ossiferous : Containing or yielding bone.
Ossific : Capable of producing bone; having the power to change cartilage or other tissue into bone.
Ossification : The formation of bone; the process, in the growth of an animal, by which inorganic material (mainly lime salts) is deposited in cartilage or membrane, forming bony tissue; ostosis. ;; The state of being changed into a bony substance; also, a mass or point of ossified tissue.
Ossified : Changed to bone or something resembling bone; hardened by deposits of mineral matter of any kind; -- said of tissues. ;; of Ossify
Ossifrage : The lammergeir. ;; The young of the sea eagle or bald eagle.
Ossifragous : Serving to break bones; bone-breaking.
Ossify : To form into bone; to change from a soft animal substance into bone, as by the deposition of lime salts. ;; Fig.: To harden; as, to ossify the heart. ;; To become bone; to change from a soft tissue to a hard bony tissue.
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