Vocabulary : Ostentate to Osteoclast

Ostentate : To make an ambitious display of; to show or exhibit boastingly.
Ostentation : The act of ostentating or of making an ambitious display; unnecessary show; pretentious parade; -- usually in a detractive sense. ;; A show or spectacle.
Ostentatious : Fond of, or evincing, ostentation; unduly conspicuous; pretentious; boastful.
Ostentator : One fond of display; a boaster.
Ostentive : Ostentatious.
Ostentous : Ostentatious.
Osteo- : A combining form of Gr. / a bone.
Osteoblast : One of the protoplasmic cells which occur in the osteogenetic layer of the periosteum, and from or around which the matrix of the bone is developed; an osteoplast.
Osteoclasis : The operation of breaking a bone in order to correct deformity.
Osteoclast : A myeloplax. ;; An instrument for performing osteoclasis.
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