Vocabulary : Overtire to Overtower

Overtire : To tire to excess; to exhaust. ;; To become too tired.
Overtitle : To give too high a title to.
Overtly : Publicly; openly.
Overtoil : To overwork. ;; To weary excessively; to exhaust.
Overtone : One of the harmonics faintly heard with and above a tone as it dies away, produced by some aliquot portion of the vibrating sting or column of air which yields the fundamental tone; one of the natural harmonic scale of tones, as the octave, twelfth, fifteenth, etc.; an aliquot or "partial" tone; a harmonic. See Harmonic, and Tone.
Overtook : of Overtake
Overtop : To rise above the top of; to exceed in height; to tower above. ;; To go beyond; to transcend; to transgress. ;; To make of less importance, or throw into the background, by superior excellence; to dwarf; to obscure.
Overtopped : of Overtop
Overtopping : of Overtop
Overtower : To tower over or above. ;; To soar too high.
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