Vocabulary : Pertinent to Perturbation

Pertinent : Belonging or related to the subject or matter in hand; fit or appropriate in any way; adapted to the end proposed; apposite; material; relevant; as, pertinent illustrations or arguments; pertinent evidence. ;; Regarding; concerning; belonging; pertaining.
Pertly : In a pert manner.
Pertness : The quality or state of being pert.
Pertransient : Passing through or over.
Perturb : To disturb; to agitate; to vex; to trouble; to disquiet. ;; To disorder; to confuse.
Perturbability : The quality or state of being perturbable.
Perturbable : Liable to be perturbed or agitated; liable to be disturbed or disquieted.
Perturbance : Disturbance; perturbation.
Perturbate : To perturb. ;; Perturbed; agitated.
Perturbation : The act of perturbing, or the state of being perturbed; esp., agitation of mind. ;; A disturbance in the regular elliptic or other motion of a heavenly body, produced by some force additional to that which causes its regular motion; as, the perturbations of the planets are caused by their attraction on each other.
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