Vocabulary : Prestidigitator to Presultor

Prestidigitator : One skilled in legerdemain or sleight of hand; a juggler.
Prestige : Delusion; illusion; trick. ;; Weight or influence derived from past success; expectation of future achievements founded on those already accomplished; force or charm derived from acknowledged character or reputation.
Prestigiation : Legerdemain; prestidigitation.
Prestigiator : A juggler; prestidigitator.
Prestigiatory : Consisting of impostures; juggling.
Prestigious : Practicing tricks; juggling.
Prestimony : A fund for the support of a priest, without the title of a benefice. The patron in the collator.
Prestissimo : Very quickly; with great rapidity.
Presto : Quickly; immediately; in haste; suddenly. ;; Quickly; rapidly; -- a direction for a quick, lively movement or performance; quicker than allegro, or any rate of time except prestissimo.
Presultor : A leader in the dance.
Next : Presumable, Presumably, Presume, Presumed, Presumedly, Presumer, Presuming, Presumingly, Presumption, Presumptive
Previous : Pressure, Pressure wires, Presswork, Prest, Prestable, Prestation, Prester, Presternum, Prestidigital, Prestidigitation
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