Vocabulary : Propitiatory to Propodialia

Propitiatory : Having the power to make propitious; pertaining to, or employed in, propitiation; expiatory; as, a propitiatory sacrifice. ;; The mercy seat; -- so called because a symbol of the propitiated Jehovah.
Propitious : Convenient; auspicious; favorable; kind; as, a propitious season; a propitious breeze. ;; Hence, kind; gracious; merciful; helpful; -- said of a person or a divinity.
Proplasm : A mold; a matrix.
Proplastic : Forming a mold.
Proplastics : The art of making molds for castings.
Propleg : Same as Proleg.
Propodia : of Propodium
Propodial : Of or pertaining to the propodialia, or the parts of the limbs to which they belong.
Propodiale : The bone of either the upper arm or the thing, the propodialia being the humerus and femur.
Propodialia : of Propodiale
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