Vocabulary : Purblind to Pured

Purblind : Wholly blind. ;; Nearsighted, or dim-sighted; seeing obscurely; as, a purblind eye; a purblind mole.
Purcelane : Purslane.
Purchasable : Capable of being bought, purchased, or obtained for a consideration; hence, venal; corrupt.
Purchase : To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire. ;; To obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price; as, to purchase land, or a house. ;; To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc.; as, to purchase favor with flattery. ;; To expiate by a fine or forfeit. ;; To acquire by any means except descent or inheritance. ;; To buy for a price. ;; To apply to (anything) a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage; to get a purchase upon, or apply a purchase to; as, to purchase a cannon. ;; To put forth effort to obtain anything; to strive; to exert one's self. ;; To acquire wealth or property. ;; The act of seeking, getting, or obtaining anything. ;; The act of seeking and acquiring property. ;; The acquisition of title to, or properly in, anything for a price; buying for money or its equivalent. ;; That which is obtained, got, or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly; property; possession; acquisition. ;; That which is obtained for a price in m
Purchased : of Purchase
Purchaser : One who purchases; one who acquires property for a consideration, generally of money; a buyer; a vendee. ;; One who acquires an estate in lands by his own act or agreement, or who takes or obtains an estate by any means other than by descent or inheritance.
Purchasing : of Purchase
Purdah : A curtain or screen; also, a cotton fabric in blue and white stripes, used for curtains.
Pure : Separate from all heterogeneous or extraneous matter; free from mixture or combination; clean; mere; simple; unmixed; as, pure water; pure clay; pure air; pure compassion. ;; Free from moral defilement or quilt; hence, innocent; guileless; chaste; -- applied to persons. ;; Free from that which harms, vitiates, weakens, or pollutes; genuine; real; perfect; -- applied to things and actions. ;; Ritually clean; fitted for holy services. ;; Of a single, simple sound or tone; -- said of some vowels and the unaspirated consonants.
Pured : Purified; refined.
Next : Puree, Purely, Pureness, Purfile, Purfle, Purfled, Purflew, Purfling, Purgament, Purgation
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