Ra to Rabbet Rabbeted to Rabbinist Rabbinite to Rabble-rout Rabbling to Rabinet Rabious to Racemate Racemation to Racemulose Racer to Rachises Rachitic to Rackarock Racked to Rackety Racking to Racovian Racquet to Radial engine Radiale to Radiary Radiata to Radiator Radical to Radication Radicel to Radio Radio- to Radiolite Radiometer to Radiotelegraph Radiotelegraphic to Radius vector Radiuses to Raffia Raffia palm to Raft Rafte to Ragabrash Ragamuffin to Raggy Raghuvansa to Ragpicker Ragtime to Raider Raiding to Railroad Railroading to Rainfall Raininess to Raised Raiser to Rajpoot Rajput to Rakeshame Rakestale to Rallentando Ralliance to Ram Ramadan to Rambling Ramblingly to Ramenta Ramentaceous to Ramify Ramifying to Rammish Rammishness to Rampageous Rampallian to Rampier Ramping to Ramuli Ramulose to Rancescent Ranch to Rancidity Rancidly to Random Randomly to Ranger Rangership to Ranking Rankle to Ransacking Ransom to Ranterism Ranting to Ranunculuses Ranz des vaches to Raphaelesque Raphaelism to Rapidity Rapidly to Rapped Rappee to Raptor Raptores to Rapturously Rare to Rareness Rareripe to Rascalities Rascality to Rashly Rashness to Raspatorium Raspatory to Rat Rata to Ratchet Rate to Rather Rathripe to Ratio Ratiocinate to Rationalistic Rationalistical to Ratlines Ratlins to Ratteen Ratten to Rattle-headed Rattlemouse to Rattling Rattlings to Raunsoun Ravage to Raveler Ravelin to Ravenous Raven's-duck to Ravishingly Ravishment to Rawness Ray to Razed Razee to Razure Razzia to Reaccuse Reach to Reaction Reactionaries to Readept Readeption to Readjuster Readjustment to Ready-made Ready-witted to Reak Real to Realization Realize to Realmless Realness to Reanimation Reannex to Reappearance Reapplication to Reardoss Reared to Rearrange Rearrangement to Reasoned Reasoner to Reassign Reassignment to Reattach Reattachment to Reaving Reawake to Rebato Rebec to Rebiting Rebloom to Rebreathe Rebucous to Rebukeful Rebuker to Rebuttal Rebutted to Recallment Recant to Recapitulatory Recapper to Recche Reccheles to Receit Receivability to Recelebrate Recency to Receptacula Receptacular to Receptory Recess to Recharter Rechase to Recidivist Recidivous to Reciprocally Reciprocalness to Reciproque Recision to Reck Recked to Reclaimable Reclaimant to Reclination Recline to Recluseness Reclusion to Recognizable Recognizance to Recoil Recoiled to Recollected Recollecting to Recomfortless Recomforture to Recommender Recommending to Recompensement Recompenser to Recomposing Recomposition to Reconciliation Reconciliatory to Reconjoin Reconnaissance to Reconsideration Reconsolate to Reconvention Reconversion to Recorded Recorder to Recouper Recoupment to Recoveror Recovery to Re-creation Recreative to Recriminator Recriminatory to Recruiter Recruiting to Recti Recti- to Rectilinear Rectilinearity to Recto- Rector to Rectovaginal Recto-vesical to Recumb Recumbence to Recuperator Recuperatory to Recursant Recursion to Recusancy Recusant to Redacteur Redaction to Redbelly Redbird to Reddening Reddish to Redeemable Redeemableness to Redemand Redemise to Redemptory Redempture to Red-gum Red-hand to Rediae Redias to Redisburse Rediscover to Redistrict Redition to Redness Redolence to Redounded Redounding to Redressal Redresser to Redshank Red-short to Redthroat Redtop to Reducing Reduct to Redundantly Reduplicate to Reebok Reecho to Reeding Reedless to Reefing Reefy to Reeler Reeligible to Reenact Reenaction to Reengrave Reenjoy to Reenthronement Reentrance to Reeve Reeving to Reexportation Reexpulsion to Refection Refective to Referendum Referential to Refind Refine to Refix Reflame to Reflector Reflet to Refloat Reflorescence to Reflux Refocillate to Reforge Reforger to Reformative Reformatory to Refossion Refound to Refractometer Refractor to Refrainer Refraining to Refreshful Refreshing to Refrigeration Refrigerative to Refulgence Refulgency to Refusal Refuse to Refutation Refutatory to Regalement Regaler to Regardant Regarded to Regelate Regelation to Regeneratively Regenerator to Reges Regest to Regime Regimen to Regional Regious to Registrate Registration to Regmacarp Regnal to Regrate Regrated to Regress Regressed to Regrow Regrowth to Regularness Regulate to Regulus Reguluses to Rehearsal Rehearse to Rei Reichsrath to Reigning Reillume to Reimbursed Reimbursement to Reimpress Reimpression to Reincur Reindeer to Reingratiate Reinhabit to Reinspirit Reinstall to Reintegrate Reintegration to Reinvigorate Reinvolve to Reiterate Reiterated to Rejectaneous Rejected to Rejoicement Rejoicer to Rejolt Rejourn to Rejuvenize Rekindle to Relapsing Relate to Relative Relatively to Relaxative Relaxed to Released Releasee to Relent Relented to Relevancy Relevant to Relict Relicted to Relieved Relievement to Religioner Religionism to Relinquent Relinquish to Reliquidate Reliquidation to Relocation Relodge to Reluctation Reluctivity to Remade Remain to Remanding Remandment to Remarker Remarking to Remble Reme to Remedied Remedies to Remembering Remembrance to Remeve Remewe to Reminiscency Reminiscent to Remissible Remission to Remitted Remittee to Remodification Remodify to Remonstrate Remonstrated to Remord Remordency to Remould Remount to Remugient Remunerable to Renable Renaissance to Renascent Renascible to Render Renderable to Rending Rendition to Renew Renewability to Renidification Reniform to Rennin Renning to Renovator Renovel to Renownless Rensselaerite to Renterer Rentering to Reobtain Reobtainable to Reorganize Reorient to Repaid Repaint to Reparable Reparably to Repass Repassage to Repaying Repayment to Repeated Repeatedly to Repeller Repelling to Repentless Repeople to Repertory Reperusal to Repetitor Repine to Replant Replantable to Replete Repleteness to Replevying Replica to Reply Replyer to Reporter Reportingly to Reposit Reposited to Repoussage Repousse to Reprehensory Represent to Representatively Representativeness to Repreve Repriefe to Reprimer Reprint to Reproach Reproachablr to Reprobated Reprobateness to Reproduction Reproductive to Reprune Rep-silver to Republican Republicanism to Republishing Repudiable to Repugnancy Repugnant to Repulser Repulsing to Repute Reputed to Requicken Requiem to Requisite Requisition to Requitement Requiter to Re-resolve Rereward to Rescindable Rescinded to Rescription Rescriptive to Rescussor Rese to Resecting Resection to Resemblant Resemble to Resenter Resentful to Reservative Reservatory to Reservor Reset to Resiant Reside to Residentiaryship Residentship to Resign Re-sign to Resiled Resilience to Resiniferous Resiniform to Resistance Resistance frame to Resistless Resoluble to Resolvability Resolvable to Resonance Resonancy to Resort Resorted to Resourceful Resourceless to Respecter Respectful to Respersion Respirability to Respiring Respite to Resplit Respond to Responseless Responsibility to Restagnant Restagnate to Restem Restful to Restinguish Restitute to Restorationism Restorationist to Restorer Restoring to Restrengthen Restrict to Restringent Restringing to Resultate Resulted to Resummon Resummons to Resurgent Resurrect to Resuscitating Resuscitation to Retailment Retain to Retaliate Retaliated to Retarder Retarding to Retell Retene to Retex Retexture to Reticula Reticular to Reticulose Reticulum to Retinea Retinerved to Retinophoral Retinoscopy to Retired Retirement to Retorter Retorting to Retractate Retractation to Retrait Retransform to Retrench Retrenched to Retrievable Retrieval to Retroact Retroaction to Retroduction Retroflex to Retrograding Retrogradingly to Retrospect Retrospection to Retrude Retruded to Return Re-turn to Reunion Reunite to Reve Reveal to Reveiwing Revel to Revelling Revelment to Revengeable Revengeance to Reverberant Reverberate to Revered Reverence to Reverently Reverer to Reverseless Reversely to Reversis Revert to Revestiary Revestry to Revictual Revie to Reviler Reviling to Revising Revision to Revivalism Revivalist to Reviving Reviviscence to Revoice Revoke to Revolting Revoluble to Revolutionizing Revolutive to Revulsion Revulsive to Rewardless Rewe to Rewth Rex to Rhabdocoela Rhabdocoelous to Rhabdosphere Rhachialgia to Rhadamanthine Rhadamanthus to Rhaponticine Rhapsode to Rhapsody Rhatanhy to Rhemish Rhenish to Rheostat Rheotome to Rhetoricate Rhetorication to Rheumatismoid Rheumic to Rhinencephalic Rhinencephalon to Rhinocerotic Rhinolite to Rhinoplasty Rhinopome to Rhipipteran Rhizanthous to Rhizomata Rhizomatous to Rhizostomata Rhizostome to Rhodium Rhodizonic to Rhodosperm Rhomb to Rhomboid Rhomboidal to Rhopalia Rhopalic to Rhyme Rhymed to Rhynchocephala Rhynchocoela to Rhythm Rhythmer to Rhytina Rial to Ribanded Ribaud to Ribbing Ribbon to Ribless Ribroast to Richness Richweed to Ricinus Rick to Ricochetting Rictal to Ridding Riddle to Riderless Ridge to Ridgepole Ridgerope to Ridiculize Ridiculosity to Rifacimento Rife to Rifling Rift to Rigescent Rigged to Righted Righten to Right-hand Right-handed to Right-running Rightward to Riglet Rigmarole to Rigsdaler Rig-Veda to Rily Rim to Rim-fire Riming to Rimpled Rimpling to Rine Rined to Ringdove Ringed to Ringman Ringmaster to Ringtoss Ringworm to Rioted Rioter to Riparious Ripe to Ripler Ripost to Rippled Ripple-marked to Riptowel Ris to Risked Risker to Rissoid Rissole to Ritual Ritualism to Rivality Rivalled to Riveling Riven to Riveted Riveter to Rix-dollar Rizzar to Roadster Roadway to Roaring Roaring forties to Robbed Robber to Robert Robertsman to Roboration Roborean to Roccellic Roccellin to Rock shaft Rock staff to Rocketer Rocketing to Rockling Rockrose to Roddy Rode to Rodomontado Rodomontador to Roestone Rogation to Roial Roil to Roisterer Roisterly to Rollable Rolled to Rollicked Rollicking to Romajikai Roman to Romanic Romanish to Romantic Romantical to Romble Rombowline to Romist Romp to Rondache Ronde to Ronin Ronion to Roodebok Roody to Rook Rooked to Roomful Roomfuls to Roomy Roon to Roosting Root to Rooty Ropalic to Ropewalker Rope-yarn to Roquelaure Roquet to Rory Rosaceous to Roscoelite Rose to Rosedrop Rosefinch to Rosen Rosenmuller's organ to Roset Ro-setta stone to Rosier Rosily to Rossel Rossel current to Roster Rostra to Rostrums Rosulate to Rotate Rotated to Rote Roted to Rotor Rotta to Rotundifolious Rotundity to Roue Rouet to Roughdry Roughen to Roughing-in Roughings to Roughshod Roughstrings to Rouleau Rouleaus to Round Roundabout to Roundhead Roundheaded to Roundsman Roundsmen to Roused Rouser to Routed Router to Roux Rove to Rowan tree Rowboat to Rowel bone Roweled to Rown Rowport to Royalize Royally to Roytish Ru bible to Rubbidge Rubbing to Rubelet Rubella to Rubian Rubianic to Rubied Rubies to Rubious Rubiretin to Rubus Ruby to Ruck Rucked to Rudderhole Rudderless to Rude Rudenture to Rudity Rudmasday to Ruffe Ruffed to Ruffle Ruffled to Ruft Rufterhood to Rug-headed Rugin to Ruinable Ruinate to Rulable Rule to Rum Rumble to Ruminant Ruminantia to Rummage Rummaged to Rumorer Rumoring to Rumply Rumpus to Rundel Rundle to Runner Runnet to Runway Rupee to Rupture Ruptured to Ruralized Ruralizing to Rushbuckler Rushed to Rusk Rusma to Russification Russify to Rustic Rustical to Rusting Rustle to Rutate Ruth to Rutile Rutilian to Ruttle Rutty to Rysh Rysimeter to Rytina