Vocabulary : Salite to Salivous

Salite : To season with salt; to salt. ;; A massive lamellar variety of pyroxene, of a dingy green color.
Saliva : The secretion from the salivary glands.
Salival : Salivary.
Salivant : Producing salivation. ;; That which produces salivation.
Salivary : Of or pertaining to saliva; producing or carrying saliva; as, the salivary ferment; the salivary glands; the salivary ducts, etc.
Salivate : To produce an abnormal flow of saliva in; to produce salivation or ptyalism in, as by the use of mercury. ;; To produce saliva, esp. in excess.
Salivated : of Salivate
Salivating : of Salivate
Salivation : The act or process of salivating; an excessive secretion of saliva, often accompanied with soreness of the mouth and gums; ptyalism.
Salivous : Pertaining to saliva; of the nature of saliva.
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