Vocabulary : San Jose scale to Sance-bell

San Jose scale : A very destructive scale insect (Aspidiotus perniciosus) that infests the apple, pear, and other fruit trees. So called because first introduced into the United States at San Jose, California.
Sanability : The quality or state of being sanable; sanableness; curableness.
Sanable : Capable of being healed or cured; susceptible of remedy.
Sanableness : The quality of being sanable.
Sanation : The act of healing or curing.
Sanative : Having the power to cure or heal; healing; tending to heal; sanatory.
Sanatorium : An establishment for the treatment of the sick; a resort for invalids. See Sanitarium.
Sanatory : Conducive to health; tending to cure; healing; curative; sanative.
Sanbenito : Anciently, a sackcloth coat worn by penitents on being reconciled to the church. ;; A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe.
Sance-bell : Alt. of Sancte bell
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