Vocabulary : Sanguify to Sanguinely

Sanguify : To produce blood from.
Sanguigenous : Producing blood; as, sanguigenous food.
Sanguinaceous : Of a blood-red color; sanguine.
Sanguinaria : A genus of plants of the Poppy family. ;; The rootstock of the bloodroot, used in medicine as an emetic, etc.
Sanguinarily : In a sanguinary manner.
Sanguinariness : The quality or state of being sanguinary.
Sanguinary : Attended with much bloodshed; bloody; murderous; as, a sanguinary war, contest, or battle. ;; Bloodthirsty; cruel; eager to shed blood. ;; The yarrow. ;; The Sanguinaria.
Sanguine : Having the color of blood; red. ;; Characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood; as, a sanguine bodily temperament. ;; Warm; ardent; as, a sanguine temper. ;; Anticipating the best; not desponding; confident; full of hope; as, sanguine of success. ;; Blood color; red. ;; Anything of a blood-red color, as cloth. ;; Bloodstone. ;; Red crayon. See the Note under Crayon, 1. ;; To stain with blood; to impart the color of blood to; to ensanguine.
Sanguineless : Destitute of blood; pale.
Sanguinely : In a sanguine manner.
Next : Sanguineness, Sanguineous, sanguinity, Sanguinivorous, Sanguinolency, Sanguinolent, Sanguisuge, Sanguivorous, Sanhedrim, Sanhedrin
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