Vocabulary : Saraswati to Sarcenet

Saraswati : The sakti or wife of Brahma; the Hindoo goddess of learning, music, and poetry.
Sarcasm : A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest.
Sarcasmous : Sarcastic.
Sarcastic : Alt. of Sarcastical
Sarcastical : Expressing, or expressed by, sarcasm; characterized by, or of the nature of, sarcasm; given to the use of sarcasm; bitterly satirical; scornfully severe; taunting.
Sarcastically : In a sarcastic manner.
Sarcel : One of the outer pinions or feathers of the wing of a bird, esp. of a hawk.
Sarceled : Cut through the middle.
Sarcelle : The old squaw, or long-tailed duck.
Sarcenet : A species of fine thin silk fabric, used for linings, etc.
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