Vocabulary : Sarmentose to Sarracenia

Sarmentose : Long and filiform, and almost naked, or having only leaves at the joints where it strikes root; as, a sarmentose stem. ;; Bearing sarments; sarmentaceous.
Sarmentous : Sarmentose.
Sarn : A pavement or stepping-stone.
Sarong : A sort of petticoat worn by both sexes in Java and the Malay Archipelago.
Saros : A Chaldean astronomical period or cycle, the length of which has been variously estimated from 3,600 years to 3,600 days, or a little short of 10 years.
Sarpened : of Sharpen
Sarplar : A large bale or package of wool, containing eighty tods, or 2,240 pounds, in weight.
Sarplier : A coarse cloth made of hemp, and used for packing goods, etc.
Sarpo : A large toadfish of the Southern United States and the Gulf of Mexico (Batrachus tau, var. pardus).
Sarracenia : A genus of American perennial herbs growing in bogs; the American pitcher plant.
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