Vocabulary : Scandium to Scantiness

Scandium : A rare metallic element of the boron group, whose existence was predicted under the provisional name ekaboron by means of the periodic law, and subsequently discovered by spectrum analysis in certain rare Scandinavian minerals (euxenite and gadolinite). It has not yet been isolated. Symbol Sc. Atomic weight 44.
Scanned : of Scan
Scanning : of Scan
Scansion : The act of scanning; distinguishing the metrical feet of a verse by emphasis, pauses, or otherwise.
Scansores : An artifical group of birds formerly regarded as an order. They are distributed among several orders by modern ornithologists.
Scansorial : Capable of climbing; as, the woodpecker is a scansorial bird; adapted for climbing; as, a scansorial foot. ;; Of or pertaining to the Scansores. See Illust.. under Aves.
Scant : Not full, large, or plentiful; scarcely sufficient; less than is wanted for the purpose; scanty; meager; not enough; as, a scant allowance of provisions or water; a scant pattern of cloth for a garment. ;; Sparing; parsimonious; chary. ;; To limit; to straiten; to treat illiberally; to stint; as, to scant one in provisions; to scant ourselves in the use of necessaries. ;; To cut short; to make small, narrow, or scanty; to curtail. ;; To fail, or become less; to scantle; as, the wind scants. ;; In a scant manner; with difficulty; scarcely; hardly. ;; Scantness; scarcity.
Scanted : of Scant
Scantily : In a scanty manner; not fully; not plentifully; sparingly; parsimoniously.
Scantiness : Quality or condition of being scanty.
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