Vocabulary : Schizopelmous to Schnorrer

Schizopelmous : Having the two flexor tendons of the toes entirely separate, and the flexor hallucis going to the first toe only.
Schizophyte : One of a class of vegetable organisms, in the classification of Cohn, which includes all of the inferior forms that multiply by fission, whether they contain chlorophyll or not.
Schizopod : one of the Schizopoda. Also used adjectively. ;; Alt. of Schizopodous
Schizopoda : A division of shrimplike Thoracostraca in which each of the thoracic legs has a long fringed upper branch (exopodite) for swimming.
Schizopodous : Of or pertaining to a schizopod, or the Schizopoda.
Schlich : The finer portion of a crushed ore, as of gold, lead, or tin, separated by the water in certain wet processes.
Schmelze : A kind of glass of a red or ruby color, made in Bohemia.
Schnapps : Holland gin.
Schneiderian : Discovered or described by C. V. Schneider, a German anatomist of the seventeenth century.
Schnorrer : Among the Jews, a beggar.
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