Vocabulary : Scopulae to Scorch

Scopulae : of Scopula
Scopulas : of Scopula
Scopuliped : Any species of bee which has on the hind legs a brush of hairs used for collecting pollen, as the hive bees and bumblebees.
Scopulous : Full of rocks; rocky.
Scorbute : Scurvy.
Scorbutic : Alt. of Scorbutical
Scorbutical : Of or pertaining to scurvy; of the nature of, or resembling, scurvy; diseased with scurvy; as, a scorbutic person; scorbutic complaints or symptoms.
Scorbutus : Scurvy.
Scorce : Barter.
Scorch : To ride or drive at great, usually at excessive, speed; -- applied chiefly to automobilists and bicyclists. [Colloq.] ;; To burn superficially; to parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; to subject to so much heat as changes color and texture without consuming; as, to scorch linen. ;; To affect painfully with heat, or as with heat; to dry up with heat; to affect as by heat. ;; To burn; to destroy by, or as by, fire. ;; To be burnt on the surface; to be parched; to be dried up. ;; To burn or be burnt.
Next : Scorched, scorcher, Scorching, Score, Scored, Scorer, Scoria, Scoriac, Scoriaceous, Scoriae
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