Vocabulary : Scouted to Scrabble

Scouted : of Scout
Scouting : of Scout
Scovel : A mop for sweeping ovens; a malkin.
Scow : A large flat-bottomed boat, having broad, square ends. ;; To transport in a scow.
Scowl : To wrinkle the brows, as in frowning or displeasure; to put on a frowning look; to look sour, sullen, severe, or angry. ;; Hence, to look gloomy, dark, or threatening; to lower. ;; To look at or repel with a scowl or a frown. ;; To express by a scowl; as, to scowl defiance. ;; The wrinkling of the brows or face in frowing; the expression of displeasure, sullenness, or discontent in the countenance; an angry frown. ;; Hence, gloom; dark or threatening aspect.
Scowled : of Scowl
Scowling : of Scowl
Scowlingly : In a scowling manner.
Scrabbed eggs : A Lenten dish, composed of eggs boiled hard, chopped, and seasoned with butter, salt, and pepper.
Scrabble : To scrape, paw, or scratch with the hands; to proceed by clawing with the hands and feet; to scramble; as, to scrabble up a cliff or a tree. ;; To make irregular, crooked, or unmeaning marks; to scribble; to scrawl. ;; To mark with irregular lines or letters; to scribble; as, to scrabble paper. ;; The act of scrabbling; a moving upon the hands and knees; a scramble; also, a scribble.
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