Vocabulary : Seleniferous to Selenograph

Seleniferous : Containing, or impregnated with, selenium; as, seleniferous pyrites.
Selenio- : A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting the presence of selenium or its compounds; as, selenio-phosphate, a phosphate having selenium in place of all, or a part, of the oxygen.
Selenious : Of, pertaining to, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with selenic compounds.
Selenite : A salt of selenious acid. ;; A variety of gypsum, occuring in transparent crystals or crystalline masses.
Selenitic : Alt. of Selenitical
Selenitical : Of or pertaining to selenite; resembling or containing selenite.
Selenium : A nonmetallic element of the sulphur group, and analogous to sulphur in its compounds. It is found in small quantities with sulphur and some sulphur ores, and obtained in the free state as a dark reddish powder or crystalline mass, or as a dark metallic-looking substance. It exhibits under the action of light a remarkable variation in electric conductivity, and is used in certain electric apparatus. Symbol Se. Atomic weight 78.9.
Seleniuret : A selenide.
Seleniureted : Combined with selenium as in a selenide; as, seleniureted hydrogen.
Selenograph : A picture or delineation of the moon's surface, or of any part of it.
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