Vocabulary : Semiadherent to Semibarbaric

Semiadherent : Adherent part way.
Semiamplexicaul : Partially amplexicaul; embracing the stem half round, as a leaf.
Semiangle : The half of a given, or measuring, angle.
Semiannually : Every half year.
Semiannular : Having the figure of a half circle; forming a semicircle.
Semi-Arian : A member of a branch of the Arians which did not acknowledge the Son to be consubstantial with the Father, that is, of the same substance, but admitted him to be of a like substance with the Father, not by nature, but by a peculiar privilege. ;; Of or pertaining to Semi-Arianism.
Semi-Arianism : The doctrines or tenets of the Semi-Arians.
Semiaxis : One half of the axis of an /llipse or other figure.
Semibarbarian : Half barbarous; partially civilized. ;; One partly civilized.
Semibarbaric : Half barbarous or uncivilized; as, semibarbaric display.
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