Vocabulary : Semichorus to Semicompact

Semichorus : A half chorus; a passage to be sung by a selected portion of the voices, as the female voices only, in contrast with the full choir.
Semi-Christianized : Half Christianized.
Semicircle : The half of a circle; the part of a circle bounded by its diameter and half of its circumference. ;; A semicircumference. ;; A body in the form of half of a circle, or half of a circumference. ;; An instrument for measuring angles.
Semicircled : Semicircular.
Semicircular : Having the form of half of a circle.
Semicirque : A semicircular hollow or opening among trees or hills.
Semicolon : The punctuation mark [;] indicating a separation between parts or members of a sentence more distinct than that marked by a comma.
Semicolumn : A half column; a column bisected longitudinally, or along its axis.
Semicolumnar : Like a semicolumn; flat on one side and round on the other; imperfectly columnar.
Semicompact : Half compact; imperfectly indurated.
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