Vocabulary : Septoic to Septulate

Septoic : See Heptoic.
Septomaxillary : Of or pertaining to the nasal septum and the maxilla; situated in the region of these parts. ;; A small bone between the nasal septum and the maxilla in many reptiles and amphibians.
Septuagenarian : A person who is seventy years of age; a septuagenary.
Septuagenary : Consisting of seventy; also, seventy years old. ;; A septuagenarian.
Septuagesima : The third Sunday before Lent; -- so called because it is about seventy days before Easter.
Septuagesimal : Consisting of seventy days, years, etc.; reckoned by seventies.
Septuagint : A Greek version of the Old Testament; -- so called because it was believed to be the work of seventy (or rather of seventy-two) translators.
Septuary : Something composed of seven; a week.
Septula : of Septulum
Septulate : Having imperfect or spurious septa.
Next : Septulum, Septum, Septuor, Septuple, Septupled, Septupling, Sepulcher, Sepulchered, Sepulchering, Sepulchral
Previous : Septiferous, Septifluous, Septifolious, Septiform, Septifragal, Septilateral, Septillion, Septimole, Septinsular, Septisyllable
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