Vocabulary : Sexennial to Sexly

Sexennial : Lasting six years, or happening once in six years. ;; A sexennial event.
Sexennially : Once in six years.
Sexfid : Alt. of Sexifid
Sexifid : Six-cleft; as, a sexfid calyx or nectary.
Sexisyllabic : Having six syllables.
Sexisyllable : A word of six syllables.
Sexivalent : Hexavalent.
Sexless : Having no sex.
Sexlocular : Having six cells for seeds; six-celled; as, a sexlocular pericarp.
Sexly : Pertaining to sex.
Next : Sexradiate, Sext, Sextain, Sextans, Sextant, Sextaries, Sextary, Sextet, Sextetto, Sexteyn
Previous : Sexagesimal, Sexangle, Sexangled, Sexangular, Sexangularly, Sexavalent, Sexdigitism, Sexdigitist, Sexed, Sexenary
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