Vocabulary : Shabbily to Shackled

Shabbily : In a shabby manner.
Shabbiness : The quality or state of being sghabby.
Shabbing : of Shab
Shabble : Alt. of Shabble ;; A kind of crooked sword or hanger.
Shabby : Torn or worn to rage; poor; mean; ragged. ;; Clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments. ;; Mean; paltry; despicable; as, shabby treatment.
Shabrack : The saddlecloth or housing of a cavalry horse.
Shack : A hut; a shanty; a cabin. ;; To shed or fall, as corn or grain at harvest. ;; To feed in stubble, or upon waste corn. ;; To wander as a vagabond or a tramp. ;; The grain left after harvest or gleaning; also, nuts which have fallen to the ground. ;; Liberty of winter pasturage. ;; A shiftless fellow; a low, itinerant beggar; a vagabond; a tramp.
Shackatory : A hound.
Shackle : Stubble. ;; Something which confines the legs or arms so as to prevent their free motion; specifically, a ring or band inclosing the ankle or wrist, and fastened to a similar shackle on the other leg or arm, or to something else, by a chain or a strap; a gyve; a fetter. ;; Hence, that which checks or prevents free action. ;; A fetterlike band worn as an ornament. ;; A link or loop, as in a chain, fitted with a movable bolt, so that the parts can be separated, or the loop removed; a clevis. ;; A link for connecting railroad cars; -- called also drawlink, draglink, etc. ;; The hinged and curved bar of a padlock, by which it is hung to the staple. ;; To tie or confine the limbs of, so as to prevent free motion; to bind with shackles; to fetter; to chain. ;; Figuratively: To bind or confine so as to prevent or embarrass action; to impede; to cumber. ;; To join by a link or chain, as railroad cars.
Shackled : of Shackle
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