Vocabulary : Shiraz to Shirley

Shiraz : A kind of Persian wine; -- so called from the place whence it is brought.
Shire : A portion of Great Britain originally under the supervision of an earl; a territorial division, usually identical with a county, but sometimes limited to a smaller district; as, Wiltshire, Yorkshire, Richmondshire, Hallamshire. ;; A division of a State, embracing several contiguous townships; a county.
Shire horse : One of an English breed of heavy draft horses believed to be descended largely from the horses used in war in the days of heavy armor. They are the largest of the British draft breeds, and have long hair on the back of the cannons and fetlocks. Brown or bay with white on the face and legs is now the commonest color.
Shirk : To procure by petty fraud and trickery; to obtain by mean solicitation. ;; To avoid; to escape; to neglect; -- implying unfaithfulness or fraud; as, to shirk duty. ;; To live by shifts and fraud; to shark. ;; To evade an obligation; to avoid the performance of duty, as by running away. ;; One who lives by shifts and tricks; one who avoids the performance of duty or labor.
Shirked : of Shirk
Shirker : One who shirks.
Shirking : of Shirk
Shirky : Disposed to shirk.
Shirl : Shrill. ;; See Schorl.
Shirley : The bullfinch.
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