Vocabulary : Shoaling to Shocking

Shoaling : of Shoal ;; Becoming shallow gradually.
Shoaly : Full of shoals, or shallow places.
Shoar : A prop. See 3d Shore.
Shoat : A young hog. Same as Shote.
Shock : To subject to the action of an electrical discharge so as to cause a more or less violent depression or commotion of the nervous system. ;; A pile or assemblage of sheaves of grain, as wheat, rye, or the like, set up in a field, the sheaves varying in number from twelve to sixteen; a stook. ;; A lot consisting of sixty pieces; -- a term applied in some Baltic ports to loose goods. ;; To collect, or make up, into a shock or shocks; to stook; as, to shock rye. ;; To be occupied with making shocks. ;; A quivering or shaking which is the effect of a blow, collision, or violent impulse; a blow, impact, or collision; a concussion; a sudden violent impulse or onset. ;; A sudden agitation of the mind or feelings; a sensation of pleasure or pain caused by something unexpected or overpowering; also, a sudden agitating or overpowering event. ;; A sudden depression of the vital forces of the entire body, or of a port of it, marking some profound impression produced upon the nervous system, as by severe injury, overpoweri
Shockdog : See 7th Shock, 1.
Shocked : of Shock
Shock-head : Shock-headed.
Shock-headed : Having a thick and bushy head of hair.
Shocking : of Shock ;; Causing to shake or tremble, as by a blow; especially, causing to recoil with horror or disgust; extremely offensive or disgusting.
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