Vocabulary : Shorthorn to Short-winded

Shorthorn : One of a breed of large, heavy domestic cattle having short horns. The breed was developed in England.
Short-jointed : Having short intervals between the joints; -- said of a plant or an animal, especially of a horse whose pastern is too short.
Short-lived : Not living or lasting long; being of short continuance; as, a short-lived race of beings; short-lived pleasure; short-lived passion.
Shortly : In a short or brief time or manner; soon; quickly. ;; In few words; briefly; abruptly; curtly; as, to express ideas more shortly in verse than in prose.
Shortness : The quality or state of being short; want of reach or extension; brevity; deficiency; as, the shortness of a journey; the shortness of the days in winter; the shortness of an essay; the shortness of the memory; a shortness of provisions; shortness of breath.
Shortsighted : Not able to see far; nearsighted; myopic. See Myopic, and Myopia. ;; Fig.: Not able to look far into futurity; unable to understand things deep; of limited intellect. ;; Having little regard for the future; heedless.
Short-spoken : Speaking in a quick or short manner; hence, gruff; curt.
Shortstop : The player stationed in the field bewtween the second and third bases.
Short-waisted : Having a short waist.
Short-winded : Affected with shortness of breath; having a quick, difficult respiration, as dyspnoic and asthmatic persons.
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