Vocabulary : Sinical to Sinistrally

Sinical : Of or pertaining to a sine; employing, or founded upon, sines; as, a sinical quadrant.
Sinicism : Anything peculiar to the Chinese; esp., a Chinese peculiarity in manners or customs.
Sinigrin : A glucoside found in the seeds of black mustard (Brassica nigra, formerly Sinapis nigra) It resembles sinalbin, and consists of a potassium salt of myronic acid.
Sinister : On the left hand, or the side of the left hand; left; -- opposed to dexter, or right. ;; Unlucky; inauspicious; disastrous; injurious; evil; -- the left being usually regarded as the unlucky side; as, sinister influences. ;; Wrong, as springing from indirection or obliquity; perverse; dishonest; corrupt; as, sinister aims. ;; Indicative of lurking evil or harm; boding covert danger; as, a sinister countenance.
Sinister-handed : Left-handed; hence, unlucky.
Sinisterly : In a sinister manner.
Sinistrad : Toward the left side; sinistrally.
Sinistral : Of or pertaining to the left, inclining to the left; sinistrous; -- opposed to dextral. ;; Having the whorls of the spire revolving or rising to the left; reversed; -- said of certain spiral shells.
Sinistrality : The quality or state of being sinistral.
Sinistrally : Toward the left; in a sinistral manner.
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