Vocabulary : Sixteenth to Sizarship

Sixteenth : Sixth after the tenth; next in order after the fifteenth. ;; Constituting or being one of sixteen equal parts into which anything is divided. ;; The quotient of a unit divided by sixteen; one of sixteen equal parts of one whole. ;; The next in order after the fifteenth; the sixth after the tenth. ;; An interval comprising two octaves and a second.
Sixth : First after the fifth; next in order after the fifth. ;; Constituting or being one of six equal parts into which anything is divided. ;; The quotient of a unit divided by six; one of six equal parts which form a whole. ;; The next in order after the fifth. ;; The interval embracing six diatonic degrees of the scale.
Sixthly : In the sixth place.
Sixties : of Sixty
Sixtieth : Next in order after the fifty-ninth. ;; Constituting or being one one of sixty equal parts into which anything is divided. ;; The quotient of a unit divided by sixty; one of sixty equal parts forming a whole. ;; The next in order after the fifty-ninth; the tenth after the fiftieth.
Sixty : Six times ten; fifty-nine and one more; threescore. ;; The sum of six times ten; sixty units or objects. ;; A symbol representing sixty units, as 60, lx., or LX.
Sixty-fourth : Constituting or being one of sixty-four equal parts into which a thing is divided.
Sizable : Of considerable size or bulk. ;; Being of reasonable or suitable size; as, sizable timber; sizable bulk.
Sizar : One of a body of students in the universities of Cambridge (Eng.) and Dublin, who, having passed a certain examination, are exempted from paying college fees and charges. A sizar corresponded to a servitor at Oxford.
Sizarship : The position or standing of a sizar.
Next : Size, Sized, Sizel, Sizer, Siziness, Sizing, Sizy, Sizzle, Sizzled, Sizzling
Previous : Sixfold, Six-footer, Sixpence, Sixpences, Sixpenny, Sixscore, Six-shooter, Sixteen, Sixteenmo, Sixteenmos
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