Vocabulary : Skinching to Skinless

Skinching : of Skinch
Skin-deep : Not deeper than the skin; hence, superficial.
Skinflint : A penurious person; a miser; a niggard.
Skinful : As much as a skin can hold.
Skinfuls : of Skinful
Skink : Any one of numerous species of regularly scaled harmless lizards of the family Scincidae, common in the warmer parts of all the continents. ;; To draw or serve, as drink. ;; To serve or draw liquor. ;; Drink; also, pottage.
Skinked : of Skink
Skinker : One who serves liquor; a tapster.
Skinking : of Skink
Skinless : Having no skin, or a very thin skin; as, skinless fruit.
Next : Skinned, Skinner, Skinniness, Skinning, Skinny, Skip, Skipjack, Skipped, Skipper, Skippet
Previous : Skimming, Skimmingly, Skimmington, Skimp, Skimped, Skimping, Skin, Skinbound, Skinch, Skinched
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