Vocabulary : Slant to Slapjack

Slant : To be turned or inclined from a right line or level; to lie obliquely; to slope. ;; To turn from a direct line; to give an oblique or sloping direction to; as, to slant a line. ;; A slanting direction or plane; a slope; as, it lies on a slant. ;; An oblique reflection or gibe; a sarcastic remark. ;; Inclined from a direct line, whether horizontal or perpendicular; sloping; oblique.
Slanted : of Slant
Slanting : of Slant ;; Oblique; sloping.
Slantly : In an inclined direction; obliquely; slopingly.
Slantwise : Alt. of Slantly
Slap : A blow, esp. one given with the open hand, or with something broad. ;; To strike with the open hand, or with something broad. ;; With a sudden and violent blow; hence, quickly; instantly; directly.
Slapdash : In a bold, careless manner; at random. ;; With a slap; all at once; slap. ;; To apply, or apply something to, in a hasty, careless, or rough manner; to roughcast; as, to slapdash mortar or paint on a wall, or to slapdash a wall.
Slape : Slippery; smooth; crafty; hypocritical.
Slapeface : A soft-spoken, crafty hypocrite.
Slapjack : A flat batter cake cooked on a griddle; a flapjack; a griddlecake.
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