Vocabulary : Smarted to Smasher

Smarted : of Smart
Smarten : To make smart or spruce; -- usually with up.
Smarting : of Smart
Smartle : To waste away.
Smartly : In a smart manner.
Smartness : The quality or state of being smart.
Smartweed : An acrid plant of the genus Polygonum (P. Hydropiper), which produces smarting if applied where the skin is tender.
Smash : To hit (the ball) from above the level of the net with a very hard overhand stroke. ;; To break in pieces by violence; to dash to pieces; to crush. ;; To break up, or to pieces suddenly, as the result of collision or pressure. ;; A breaking or dashing to pieces; utter destruction; wreck. ;; Hence, bankruptcy.
Smashed : of Smash
Smasher : One who, or that which, smashes or breaks things to pieces. ;; Anything very large or extraordinary. ;; One who passes counterfeit coin.
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