Vocabulary : Socotrine to Sodalite

Socotrine : Of or pertaining to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Africa. ;; A native or inhabitant of Socotra.
Socratic : Alt. of Socratical
Socratical : Of or pertaining to Socrates, the Grecian sage and teacher. (b. c. 469-399), or to his manner of teaching and philosophizing.
Socratically : In the Socratic method.
Socratism : The philosophy or the method of Socrates.
Socratist : A disciple or follower of Socrates.
Sod : of Seethe ;; The rock dove. ;; imp. of Seethe. ;; That stratum of the surface of the soil which is filled with the roots of grass, or any portion of that surface; turf; sward. ;; To cover with sod; to turf.
Soda : Sodium oxide or hydroxide. ;; Popularly, sodium carbonate or bicarbonate.
Sodaic : Pertaining to, or containing, soda.
Sodalite : A mineral of a white to blue or gray color, occuring commonly in dodecahedrons, also massive. It is a silicate of alumina and soda with some chlorine.
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