Vocabulary : Sofas to Softened

Sofas : of Sofa
Soffit : The under side of the subordinate parts and members of buildings, such as staircases, entablatures, archways, cornices, or the like. See Illust. of Lintel.
Sofi : Same as Sufi.
Sofis : of Sofi
Sofism : Same as Sufism.
Soft : Easily yielding to pressure; easily impressed, molded, or cut; not firm in resisting; impressible; yielding; also, malleable; -- opposed to hard; as, a soft bed; a soft peach; soft earth; soft wood or metal. ;; Not rough, rugged, or harsh to the touch; smooth; delicate; fine; as, soft silk; a soft skin. ;; Hence, agreeable to feel, taste, or inhale; not irritating to the tissues; as, a soft liniment; soft wines. ;; Not harsh or offensive to the sight; not glaring; pleasing to the eye; not exciting by intensity of color or violent contrast; as, soft hues or tints. ;; Not harsh or rough in sound; gentle and pleasing to the ear; flowing; as, soft whispers of music. ;; Easily yielding; susceptible to influence; flexible; gentle; kind. ;; Expressing gentleness, tenderness, or the like; mild; conciliatory; courteous; kind; as, soft eyes. ;; Effeminate; not courageous or manly, weak. ;; Gentle in action or motion; easy. ;; Weak in character; impressible. ;; Somewhat weak in intellect. ;; Quiet; undisturbed; paceful;
Soft steel : Steel low in carbon; mild steel; ingot iron.
Softa : Any one attached to a Mohammedan mosque, esp. a student of the higher branches of theology in a mosque school.
Soften : To make soft or more soft. ;; To render less hard; -- said of matter. ;; To mollify; to make less fierce or intractable. ;; To palliate; to represent as less enormous; as, to soften a fault. ;; To compose; to mitigate; to assuage. ;; To make less harsh, less rude, less offensive, or less violent, or to render of an opposite quality. ;; To make less glaring; to tone down; as, to soften the coloring of a picture. ;; To make tender; to make effeminate; to enervate; as, troops softened by luxury. ;; To make less harsh or grating, or of a quality the opposite; as, to soften the voice. ;; To become soft or softened, or less rude, harsh, severe, or obdurate.
Softened : of Soften
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