Vocabulary : Sorrowing to Sorted

Sorrowing : of Sorrow
Sorrowless : Free from sorrow.
Sorry : Grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some evil; feeling regret; -- now generally used to express light grief or affliction, but formerly often used to express deeper feeling. ;; Melancholy; dismal; gloomy; mournful. ;; Poor; mean; worthless; as, a sorry excuse.
Sors : A lot; also, a kind of divination by means of lots.
Sort : Chance; lot; destiny. ;; A kind or species; any number or collection of individual persons or things characterized by the same or like qualities; a class or order; as, a sort of men; a sort of horses; a sort of trees; a sort of poems. ;; Manner; form of being or acting. ;; Condition above the vulgar; rank. ;; A chance group; a company of persons who happen to be together; a troop; also, an assemblage of animals. ;; A pair; a set; a suit. ;; Letters, figures, points, marks, spaces, or quadrats, belonging to a case, separately considered. ;; To separate, and place in distinct classes or divisions, as things having different qualities; as, to sort cloths according to their colors; to sort wool or thread according to its fineness. ;; To reduce to order from a confused state. ;; To conjoin; to put together in distribution; to class. ;; To choose from a number; to select; to cull. ;; To conform; to adapt; to accommodate. ;; To join or associate with others, esp. with others of the same kind or species; to agree. ;;
Sortable : Capable of being sorted. ;; Suitable; befitting; proper.
Sortably : Suitable.
Sortal : Pertaining to a sort.
Sortance : Suitableness; agreement.
Sorted : of Sort
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