Vocabulary : Southward to Souvenance

Southward : Alt. of Southwards ;; Toward the south. ;; The southern regions or countries; the south.
Southwardly : In a southern direction.
Southwards : Toward the south, or toward a point nearer the south than the east or west point; as, to go southward.
Southwest : The point of the compass equally from the south and the west; the southwest part or region. ;; Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the southwest; proceeding toward the southwest; coming from the southwest; as, a southwest wind.
Southwester : A storm, gale, or strong wind from the southwest. ;; A hat made of painted canvas, oiled cloth, or the like, with a flap at the back, -- worn in stormy weather.
Southwesterly : To ward or from the southwest; as, a southwesterly course; a southwesterly wind.
Southwestern : Of or pertaining to the southwest; southwesterly; as, to sail a southwestern course.
Southwestward : Alt. of Southwestwardly
Southwestwardly : Toward the southwest.
Souvenance : Alt. of Sovenaunce
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