Vocabulary : Speaker to Spearman

Speaker : One who speaks. ;; One who utters or pronounces a discourse; usually, one who utters a speech in public; as, the man is a good speaker, or a bad speaker. ;; One who is the mouthpiece of others; especially, one who presides over, or speaks for, a delibrative assembly, preserving order and regulating the debates; as, the Speaker of the House of Commons, originally, the mouthpiece of the House to address the king; the Speaker of a House of Representatives. ;; A book of selections for declamation.
Speakership : The office of speaker; as, the speakership of the House of Representatives.
Speaking : of Speak ;; Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a speaking animal; a speaking tube. ;; Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a speaking likeness.
Spear : A long, pointed weapon, used in war and hunting, by thrusting or throwing; a weapon with a long shaft and a sharp head or blade; a lance. ;; Fig.: A spearman. ;; A sharp-pointed instrument with barbs, used for stabbing fish and other animals. ;; A shoot, as of grass; a spire. ;; The feather of a horse. See Feather, n., 4. ;; The rod to which the bucket, or plunger, of a pump is attached; a pump rod. ;; To pierce with a spear; to kill with a spear; as, to spear a fish. ;; To shoot into a long stem, as some plants. See Spire.
Speared : of Spear
Spearer : One who uses a spear; as, a spearer of fish.
Spearfish : A large and powerful fish (Tetrapturus albidus) related to the swordfish, but having scales and ventral fins. It is found on the American coast and the Mediterranean. ;; The carp sucker.
Spearhead : The pointed head, or end, of a spear.
Spearing : of Spear
Spearman : One who is armed with a spear.
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