Vocabulary : Sphacelate to Sphaerulite

Sphacelate : To affect with gangrene. ;; Alt. of Sphacelated
Sphacelated : of Spacelate ;; Affected with gangrene; mortified.
Sphacelating : of Spacelate
Sphacelation : The process of becoming or making gangrenous; mortification.
Sphacelus : Gangrenous part; gangrene; slough.
Sphaerenchyma : Vegetable tissue composed of thin-walled rounded cells, -- a modification of parenchyma.
Sphaeridia : of Sphaeridium
Sphaeridium : A peculiar sense organ found upon the exterior of most kinds of sea urchins, and consisting of an oval or sherical head surmounting a short pedicel. It is generally supposed to be an olfactory organ.
Sphaerospore : One of the nonsexual spores found in red algae; a tetraspore.
Sphaerulite : Same as Spherulite.
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