Vocabulary : Sponsible to Spontoon

Sponsible : responsible; worthy of credit.
Sponsion : The act of becoming surety for another. ;; An act or engagement on behalf of a state, by an agent not specially authorized for the purpose, or by one who exceeds the limits of authority.
Sponsional : Of or pertaining to a pledge or agreement; responsible.
Sponson : One of the triangular platforms in front of, and abaft, the paddle boxes of a steamboat. ;; One of the slanting supports under the guards of a steamboat. ;; One of the armored projections fitted with gun ports, used on modern war vessels.
Sponsor : One who binds himself to answer for another, and is responsible for his default; a surety. ;; One who at the baptism of an infant professore the christian faith in its name, and guarantees its religious education; a godfather or godmother.
Sponsorship : State of being a sponsor.
Spontaneities : of Spontaneity
Spontaneity : The quality or state of being spontaneous, or acting from native feeling, proneness, or temperament, without constraint or external force. ;; The tendency to undergo change, characteristic of both animal and vegetable organisms, and not restrained or cheked by the environment. ;; The tendency to activity of muscular tissue, including the voluntary muscles, when in a state of healthful vigor and refreshment.
Spontaneous : Proceding from natural feeling, temperament, or disposition, or from a native internal proneness, readiness, or tendency, without constraint; as, a spontaneous gift or proportion. ;; Proceeding from, or acting by, internal impulse, energy, or natural law, without external force; as, spontaneous motion; spontaneous growth. ;; Produced without being planted, or without human labor; as, a spontaneous growth of wood.
Spontoon : A kind of half-pike, or halberd, formerly borne by inferior officers of the British infantry, and used in giving signals to the soldiers.
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