Vocabulary : Sputtered to Spynace

Sputtered : of Sputter
Sputterer : One who sputters.
Sputtering : of Sputter
Sputum : That which is expectorated; a salival discharge; spittle; saliva.
Spy : To gain sight of; to discover at a distance, or in a state of concealment; to espy; to see. ;; To discover by close search or examination. ;; To explore; to view; inspect; and examine secretly, as a country; -- usually with out. ;; To search narrowly; to scrutinize. ;; One who keeps a constant watch of the conduct of others. ;; A person sent secretly into an enemy's camp, territory, or fortifications, to inspect his works, ascertain his strength, movements, or designs, and to communicate such intelligence to the proper officer.
Spyboat : A boat sent to make discoveries and bring intelligence.
Spyglass : A small telescope for viewing distant terrestrial objects.
Spying : of Spy
Spyism : Act or business of spying.
Spynace : Alt. of Spyne
Next : Spyne, Squab, Squabash, Squabbish, Squabble, Squabbled, Squabbler, Squabbling, Squabby, Squab-chick
Previous : Spurting, Spurtle, Spurway, Spur-winged, Sput, Sputa, Sputation, Sputative, Spute, Sputter
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