Vocabulary : Staminate to Stammered

Staminate : Furnished with stamens; producing stamens. ;; Having stamens, but lacking pistils. ;; To indue with stamina.
Stamineal : Alt. of Stamineous
Stamineous : Consisting of stamens or threads. ;; Of or pertaining to the stamens; possessing stamens; also, attached to the stamens; as, a stamineous nectary.
Staminiferous : Bearing or having stamens.
Staminode : A staminodium.
Staminodia : of Staminodium
Staminodium : An abortive stamen, or any organ modified from an abortive stamen.
Stammel : A large, clumsy horse. ;; A kind of woolen cloth formerly in use. It seems to have been often of a red color. ;; A red dye, used in England in the 15th and 16th centuries. ;; Of the color of stammel; having a red color, thought inferior to scarlet.
Stammer : To make involuntary stops in uttering syllables or words; to hesitate or falter in speaking; to speak with stops and diffivulty; to stutter. ;; To utter or pronounce with hesitation or imperfectly; -- sometimes with out. ;; Defective utterance, or involuntary interruption of utterance; a stutter.
Stammered : of Stammer
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