Vocabulary : Step-up to Stercoration

Step-up : Transforming or converting a low-pressure current into one of high pressure; as, a step-up transformer.
Stercobilin : A coloring matter found in the faeces, a product of the alteration of the bile pigments in the intestinal canal, -- identical with hydrobilirubin.
Stercolin : Same as Serolin (b).
Stercoraceous : Of or pertaining to dung; partaking of the nature of, or containing, dung.
Stercoranism : The doctrine or belief of the Stercoranists.
Stercoranist : A nickname formerly given to those who held, or were alleged to hold, that the consecrated elements in the eucharist undergo the process of digestion in the body of the recipient.
Stercorarian : A Stercoranist.
Stercorary : A place, properly secured from the weather, for containing dung.
Stercorate : Excrement; dung.
Stercoration : Manuring with dung.
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