Vocabulary : Stitchwort to Stoat

Stitchwort : See Stichwort.
Stith : Strong; stiff; rigid. ;; An anvil; a stithy.
Stithy : An anvil. ;; A smith's shop; a smithy; a smithery; a forge. ;; To forge on an anvil.
Stive : To stuff; to crowd; to fill full; hence, to make hot and close; to render stifling. ;; To be stifled or suffocated. ;; The floating dust in flour mills caused by the operation or grinding.
Stived : of Stive
Stiver : A Dutch coin, and money of account, of the value of two cents, or about one penny sterling; hence, figuratively, anything of little worth.
Stives : Stews; a brothel.
Stiving : of Stive
Stoak : To stop; to choke.
Stoat : The ermine in its summer pelage, when it is reddish brown, but with a black tip to the tail. The name is sometimes applied also to other brown weasels.
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