Vocabulary : Straddling to Straight

Straddling : of Straddle ;; Applied to spokes when they are arranged alternately in two circles in the hub. See Straddle, v. i., and Straddle, v. t., 3.
Stradometrical : Of, or relating to, the measuring of streets or roads.
Straggle : To wander from the direct course or way; to rove; to stray; to wander from the line of march or desert the line of battle; as, when troops are on the march, the men should not straggle. ;; To wander at large; to roam idly about; to ramble. ;; To escape or stretch beyond proper limits, as the branches of a plant; to spread widely apart; to shoot too far or widely in growth. ;; To be dispersed or separated; to occur at intervals. ;; The act of straggling.
Straggled : of Straggle
Straggler : One who straggles, or departs from the direct or proper course, or from the company to which he belongs; one who falls behind the rest; one who rambles without any settled direction. ;; A roving vagabond. ;; Something that shoots, or spreads out, beyond the rest, or too far; an exuberant growth. ;; Something that stands alone or by itself.
Straggling : of Straggle ;; a. & n. from Straggle, v.
Stragglingly : In a straggling manner.
Stragula : of Stragulum
Stragulum : The mantle, or pallium, of a bird.
Straight : A variant of Strait, a. ;; Right, in a mathematical sense; passing from one point to another by the nearest course; direct; not deviating or crooked; as, a straight line or course; a straight piece of timber. ;; Approximately straight; not much curved; as, straight ribs are such as pass from the base of a leaf to the apex, with a small curve. ;; Composed of cards which constitute a regular sequence, as the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten-spot; as, a straight hand; a straight flush. ;; Conforming to justice and rectitude; not deviating from truth or fairness; upright; as, straight dealing. ;; Unmixed; undiluted; as, to take liquor straight. ;; Making no exceptions or deviations in one's support of the organization and candidates of a political party; as, a straight Republican; a straight Democrat; also, containing the names of all the regularly nominated candidates of a party and no others; as, a straight ballot. ;; In a straight manner; directly; rightly; forthwith; immediately; as, the arrow went straight to
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