Vocabulary : Straightly to Strainable

Straightly : In a right line; not crookedly. ;; A variant of Straitly. See 1st Straight.
Straightness : The quality, condition, or state, of being straight; as, the straightness of a path. ;; A variant of Straitness.
Straight-out : Acting without concealment, obliquity, or compromise; hence, unqualified; thoroughgoing.
Straight-pight : Straight in form or upright in position; erect.
Straight-spoken : Speaking with directness; plain-spoken.
Straightway : Immediately; without loss of time; without delay.
Straightways : Straightway.
Straik : A strake.
Strain : A cultural subvariety that is only slightly differentiated. ;; Race; stock; generation; descent; family. ;; Hereditary character, quality, or disposition. ;; Rank; a sort. ;; To draw with force; to extend with great effort; to stretch; as, to strain a rope; to strain the shrouds of a ship; to strain the cords of a musical instrument. ;; To act upon, in any way, so as to cause change of form or volume, as forces on a beam to bend it. ;; To exert to the utmost; to ply vigorously. ;; To stretch beyond its proper limit; to do violence to, in the matter of intent or meaning; as, to strain the law in order to convict an accused person. ;; To injure by drawing, stretching, or the exertion of force; as, the gale strained the timbers of the ship. ;; To injure in the muscles or joints by causing to make too strong an effort; to harm by overexertion; to sprain; as, to strain a horse by overloading; to strain the wrist; to strain a muscle. ;; To squeeze; to press closely. ;; To make uneasy or unnatural; to produce with a
Strainable : Capable of being strained. ;; Violent in action.
Next : Strainably, Strained, Strainer, Straining, Straint, Strait, Straiten, Straitened, Straitening, Strait-handed
Previous : Straighted, Straightedge, Straighten, Straightener, Straightforth, Straightforward, Straighthorn, Straighting, Straight-joint, Straight-lined
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