Vocabulary : Sturt to Styca

Sturt : To vex; to annoy; to startle. ;; Disturbance; annoyance; care. ;; A bargain in tribute mining by which the tributor profits.
Sturtion : A corruption of Nasturtion.
Stut : To stutter.
Stutter : To hesitate or stumble in uttering words; to speak with spasmodic repetition or pauses; to stammer. ;; The act of stuttering; a stammer. See Stammer, and Stuttering. ;; One who stutters; a stammerer.
Stuttered : of Stutter
Stutterer : One who stutters; a stammerer.
Stuttering : of Stutter ;; The act of one who stutters; -- restricted by some physiologists to defective speech due to inability to form the proper sounds, the breathing being normal, as distinguished from stammering. ;; Apt to stutter; hesitating; stammering.
Sty : A pen or inclosure for swine. ;; A place of bestial debauchery. ;; To shut up in, or as in, a sty. ;; To soar; to ascend; to mount. See Stirrup. ;; An inflamed swelling or boil on the edge of the eyelid.
Styan : See Sty, a boil.
Styca : An anglo-Saxon copper coin of the lowest value, being worth half a farthing.
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