Vocabulary : Suffumigation to Sug

Suffumigation : The operation of suffumigating.
Suffumige : A medical fume.
Suffuse : To overspread, as with a fluid or tincture; to fill or cover, as with something fluid; as, eyes suffused with tears; cheeks suffused with blushes.
Suffused : of Suffuse
Suffusing : of Suffuse
Suffusion : The act or process of suffusing, or state of being suffused; an overspreading. ;; That with which a thing is suffused. ;; A blending of one color into another; the spreading of one color over another, as on the feathers of birds.
Sufi : A title or surname of the king of Persia. ;; One of a certain order of religious men in Persia.
Sufism : A refined mysticism among certain classes of Mohammedans, particularly in Persia, who hold to a kind of pantheism and practice extreme asceticism in their lives.
Sufragette. : A woman who advocates the right to vote for women; a woman suffragist.
Sug : A kind of worm or larva.
Next : Sugar, Sugared, Sugar-house, Sugariness, Sugaring, Sugarless, Sugarplum, Sugary, Sugescent, Suggest
Previous : Suffraginous, Suffragist, Suffrago, Suffrance, Suffrutescent, Suffruticose, Suffruticous, Suffumigate, Suffumigated, Suffumigating
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