Vocabulary : Sulcus to Sull

Sulcus : A furrow; a groove; a fissure.
Suleah fish : A coarse fish of India, used in making a breakfast relish called burtah.
Sulk : A furrow. ;; To be silently sullen; to be morose or obstinate.
Sulker : One who sulks.
Sulkies : of Sulky
Sulkily : In a sulky manner.
Sulkiness : The quality or state of being sulky; sullenness; moroseness; as, sulkiness of disposition.
Sulks : The condition of being sulky; a sulky mood or humor; as, to be in the sulks.
Sulky : Moodly silent; sullen; sour; obstinate; morose; splenetic. ;; A light two-wheeled carriage for a single person.
Sull : A plow.
Next : Sullage, Sullen, Sullevate, Sulliage, Sullied, Sullies, Sully, Sullying, Sulphacid, Sulphamate
Previous : Suiting, Suitor, Suitress, Suji, Sula, Sulcate, Sulcated, Sulcation, Sulci, Sulciform
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