Vocabulary : Sunsetting to Sunup

Sunsetting : The descent of the sun below the horizon; also, the time when the sun sets; evening. Also used figuratively. ;; Hence, the region where the sun sets; the west.
Sunshade : Anything used as a protection from the sun's rays. ;; A small parasol. ;; An awning.
Sunshine : The light of the sun, or the place where it shines; the direct rays of the sun, the place where they fall, or the warmth and light which they give. ;; Anything which has a warming and cheering influence like that of the rays of the sun; warmth; illumination; brightness. ;; Sunshiny; bright.
Sunshiny : Bright with the rays of the sun; clear, warm, or pleasant; as, a sunshiny day. ;; Bright like the sun; resplendent. ;; Beaming with good spirits; cheerful.
Sunsquall : Any large jellyfish.
Sunsted : Solstice.
Sunstone : Aventurine feldspar. See under Aventurine.
Sunstroke : Any affection produced by the action of the sun on some part of the body; especially, a sudden prostration of the physical powers, with symptoms resembling those of apoplexy, occasioned by exposure to excessive heat, and often terminating fatally; coup de soleil.
Sun-struck : Overcome by, or affected with, sunstroke; as, sun-struck soldiers.
Sunup : Sunrise.
Next : Sunward, Sunwise, Sup, Supawn, Supe, Super, Super-, Superable, Superabound, Superabundance
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