Vocabulary : Surveillance to Surveyance

Surveillance : Oversight; watch; inspection; supervision.
Surveillant : One who watches over another; an overseer; a spy; a supervisor. ;; Overseeing; watchful.
Surveillants : of Surveillant
Survene : To supervene upon; to come as an addition to.
Survened : of Survene
Survening : of Survene
Survenue : A sudden or unexpected coming or stepping on.
Survey : To inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook; as, to stand on a hill, and survey the surrounding country. ;; To view with a scrutinizing eye; to examine. ;; To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc.; to examine and ascertain the state of; as, to survey a building in order to determine its value and exposure to loss by fire. ;; To determine the form, extent, position, etc., of, as a tract of land, a coast, harbor, or the like, by means of linear and angular measurments, and the application of the principles of geometry and trigonometry; as, to survey land or a coast. ;; To examine and ascertain, as the boundaries and royalties of a manor, the tenure of the tenants, and the rent and value of the same. ;; The act of surveying; a general view, as from above. ;; A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of all the parts or particulars of a thing, with a design to ascertain the condition, quantity, or quality; as, a survey
Surveyal : Survey.
Surveyance : Survey; inspection.
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